Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Early fan display Sunday May 22, 1911 in Menlo Park, CA (Photos added 6-8-11)

Details HERE

Westinghouse "Tesla" c.1900

The show was fun, the weather great, and a fair number of visitors seemed to be interested in the early fans.  Many stopping by my booth had no idea that people collected old fans.  I was surprised at the number of women who were curious about the fans and appreciated them.  Should I do another show I will take fewer than the 27 fans for this event.  I think too many can confuse those who know little about old fans.  
Click on photos below to view full size.

The Rengstorff House was built in 1857 by German immigrant Henry Rengstorff who came to California in 1850 during the gold rush.  He built his house on 164 acres near the marshland east of Menlo Park, CA, south of San Francisco.  By 1979 the house stood abandoned and vandalized.  Moved in 1979 to its present location in Shoreline Park, restoration was completed in 1991 and the house opened to the public.  

One happy fan collector surrounded by early electrical marvels dating from 1889-1922